School Sux

Aug 31, 2005 17:10

Im sorry I havent been able to answer everyones comments! I'm really busy with school and crap. It's not killing me yet, but it'll catch up soon enough.

The only class I'm really dreading is English htough. Mrs. OT and got off on the wrong foot last year. Im trying to make up for it. Not going to well though. She doesn't even bother to tlak to me anymore. What a bitch. In the big picture (MY big picture anyway) she is totally insignificant.

In my TA class, there's this girl named Cady who I've mentioned before. We are getting close which ios cool besides the age difference. She is not good at math though, not at ALL. Mr. Freidrich sais that if I want, I could be her tutor during 5th period, so I started helping her with her homework. After a while she finally got it and I got to draw a little. I need to finish registering for photobucket... gr!!!!!!

Also, Megan and I are going to enter into the talent show (which is in June but whatever). She saisd we should sing "Because of You" by Kelly Clarkson, whihc is a kick as song but it's more for a person that has a BAD boyfriend (her past ones were awful, but, as I've pointed out to her, mine is perfect ^-^). She got mad at that but it's not my fault she made some bad choices!

Otherwise, I've been doing some fitness testing (WAH! NO MORE LAPS!), a hot air balloon project in science with Zach (who is trying to act all ghetto even though he's 100% white), trying to memorize the state's capitals and abbreviations for History (I hate Greer, she's too perfect), and reading To Kill A Mockingbird in English.

Anyway, thought I might write some stuff and I cant wait to talk on the weekend (if my mom keeps me busy I will sneak up behind her and stab her, I swear!!!)

Oh! Wait, forgot somethings...

I totally miss you Brian! I've been wanting to tlak to you for so long! Gr, stupid school!!!!!!!!!!!!

And, Megan has a crush on Andrew. MWAHAHAHAHAHA! I always knew I was a great match maker (sometimes)

And, I am mad at Steph becuase she told Gavin something very very stupid about me, so... yeah. She is pretty much dead when I get my hands on her.

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