NEW RELEASE: Christopher Newman's "Of Blood & Politics"

Aug 27, 2010 10:08

Dark Roast Press is Proud to Announce
Our Newest Release





This prequel to Uprising traces the first outbreaks of three plagues slowly starting to appear in an all too realistic near future United States. As the public begins to become aware of zombies rising, the powers that be are trying to suppress the truth to avoid a public panic, but their efforts are too harsh. To make matters worse they have decided to "quarantine" what they've come to call Level III mutations, namely vampires.

People like Rosalina Martinez and John Benedict find their treasured civil rights being violated by an uncaring CDC and its agents. John and Rosalina must struggle to remain free or become subjects of terrible experiments by Doctor Igor Lapinski at the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia.

But those stricken by vampirism can't come together as a single force for their own survival. It is a race against time to try to unite their self-help organization, retain the right to live free and avoid the quarantine. It is the beginning of the end of the world as we know it.

august 2010, new releases, of blood and politics, christopher newman, promo

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