"Christian" Values

Jan 14, 2011 14:37

 "...those who think that the Jared Loughner’s of the world are bred and not born that way, that the problem starts with married couples, then families, then, well, married couples and families, those who still think that how we have sex, and with whom we have sex, and whether we have children, and how many children we have, and whether we let them watch reality tv for five hours per day, and whether we eat dinner together, and pray together as a family, and avoid vampire chick flicks, and …, those who think these things matter, well, we can let Arizona Sheriff Clarence Dupnik round them all up, with Rush Limbaugh at the head, and put them in a safe cell where they can’t do any damage." This is a quote from an article on culture-of-life.org. It was written as a sarcastic criticism of Rep. Louise Slaughter's unfortunate comments that the media is to blame for the violence in our country. This astonishingly hypocritical article strikes me as very sad.

In this country we have a bloated and irritable far-right-of-center-neo-conservative-Christian-fundamentalist sect that, in recent years, has gotten more and more media attention. And despite their impassioned cries that they have been taken out of context by a covert, Marxist media conspiracy, they have been relishing in this undeserved spotlight. The above comment should spark anger in the heart of anyone with a reasoning brain. I beg you to think back a few centuries, a few millenia even, when was the last time you heard of the mass oppression and persecution of Christians? I'm talking on a global scale. Ancient Rome? For a very long time now Christianity has been the major oppressive force on this globe. Now, I don't mean to say that Christianity is inherently bad, but when some little pissant of a religious "scientist" swings his shriveled testicles around in an effort to prove that there's some great, global conspiracy against the "chosen people of God," I begin to froth at the mouth.

Again, I appeal to you as readers with an iota of common sense. He is claiming that the Liberal Machine of Godless Heathen Homosexuals is oppressing the meek and noble Christians by declaring that parenthood, chastity, marriage, and unicorns are being attacked by the liberal media. Take a glance outside your window, if you please. Have your eyeballs been set aflame by the Satanic horror of an immense gay pride parade sashaying its way down your street? Or perhaps you've just been impregnated with a fetus set to auto-destruct by a group of men wearing Stalin masks? No?

Now take a glance at the news. Read about the lesbian couple struggling to raise a family without the help or even recognition of the state. Or how about the frightened teenage girl accosted by a band of violent "victims of the liberal media" outside Planned Parenthood? How about the thousands of soldiers dying around the world, fighting in the name of God but in the employ of government?

It's easy to play the victim. All you have to do is scream the loudest and lament the most. This is the type of man who could be caught beating a young, gay boy to death and then sob about how the Democrats are promoting a Godless, immoral world.
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