5am and crunchy hands...

Jun 05, 2004 11:48

what in blazes posessed bri to get up at 5am i will never know, but misery is my general state at the moment. THANKFULLY, she fell back asleep for a short while, and now shes taking a nap. arrgggh....not a fun morning. o and then my hand went crunch and it hurt quite a lot. i dont even know what happened but all of a sudden im fluffing a pillow for myself and "crunch". i looked at my hand all puzzled-like, wiggled my fingers and went about fluffing the pillow. then the other hand went "crunch/vibrate". again, i looked at my hand, wiggled my fingers and decided it was time to just lay the fuck down....im still confused...mff...

sooooo yea i got to see my amfany! w00t! i missed dat boy. such a sweetie...fucking shit my back hurts...and i want a cigg. i cant believe im watching this shit on the style network...wow. shit shit i dont....wait...NO! hmm...lost yet? good.

going to see "guys 'n dolls" tonite. happy fun times. wow axle rose with multi-colored braids??!?!?!?!?! GAAH!! no wait...that has nothing to do with guys and dolls. so yea, tonight...being picked up around 5ish. see this is why i luv gay guys so much. they appreciate theatre. *cheez grin*

ok so enough of this nonsense. back to....maybe its time to call the chiropractor...
why is my body so mad at me? grrr....
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