Subject: (optional)

Aug 22, 2004 17:24

I am in the worst possible position ever.

I have to testify at court, which is good and bad i guess. I get to get out of school that day, but then I'm going to get complete hell from my Dad for two days.

I like a freshman. I'm a sophmore and I like a freshman. Even though Renee thinks it's okay, and so does Laura. Plus Madison said that it was sexy... I'd still feel weird i think. Oh well, we'll figure that out when we get there I guess.

A positive note: I am much more outgoing this year. I have met more new people in the first week and a half of school and then actually had them remember me then I had all last year... funny how that works out.
I am doing suprisingly well in Spanish, Science, and especially (which might be because Ms. Lacy quit) English.
However I'm already making Fs in Math and S.S. In SS I think I'm making a zero.

I wish I could switch my locker. It's on D hall 2nd floor, but most of my classes with heavy books are on A and B hall. If anyone has a locker on either of these halls (or the begining of C hall) then seriously consider trading with me, please!!

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