Oct 05, 2004 17:06
I'm extremely bored right now. I'm drained from school, so I dont have any words of wisdon for the moment. If I think of any while I'm typing, i'll be sure to note it.
Listening to the Garden State soundtrack got me in a really got me in a good mood today. I love the music in that movie. In my opinion, what can make a movie good, and what can make a movie excellent, lies in the foundation of its music. If you look at any movie that made a cultural impact, you'll see most of them have an amazing soundtrack or musical score. I'm sure Garden State wont be remembered in about ten or twenty years(unfortunatly) but I still adore the music.
I just realised what my comment of sudo-wisdon is today. I was thinking about this on the bus. Every relationship, including friendship, has two to three stages. The first stage is learning each other's mannerisms and personalities. The second stage is trials and tribulations. Either from within the relationship or outside of the relationship. This stage is the majority of the relationship. There are good, and bad times. This then determains whether there is a third statge or not. The third stage is separation. The majority of relationships have this third stage, but a rare few do not. I belive thats what most people strive for. I know I do.
I know its no new news. But its nice to sort out ones thoughs occasionally. So, thats what I posted, my apologies if anyone dissagrees. >.<
Hmm, I suppose I must do homework soon. Perhaps I'll post again tomarrow.