Yes Niff is the name of my friend....well her name is Victoria but she goes by the name Niffle...or Niff for short.
Awesome person and really really funny :)
Its about time some good came from the bastard T.I.E course that im doing as its depressing but now i have a partner in crime for the time being.
We sit about bitching about all the shitty emo and supposed "Hardcore" & "Metalcore" bands and abusing sellouts like Gay Prophets, My Chemical Failure. thats our nicknames for thos cunts.
She got great music taste and when she said "In Flames fucking rock...talent all the way" it brought a little tear to my japs eye LOL as no one i know really likes them that much so its really nice to find someone who expresses that view. Its great because she hates all the bands i hate LOL which makes for some quality bitching and when Megz joined in on the whole debate it was FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!! ROFLMAO!!!LOLLERBATE!!!ROFLCOPTER!!!LAWLMOWER!!!
Its just been a laugh a second with us and the jokes fly as well as the filth....i thought i was one of a kind with my filth but this takes the piss.....its like a banned roy chubby brown video on speed!!!! Great stuff.
Alas she fancies Rae as well so i have to keep a eye on her :S
Amusingly enough she speaks german fluent and so suggested if Me and Rae wanted to join her in seeing really good Gigs in Germany we could :D i think its a trick as she said her boyfriend has a really shit taste in music and would rather see MCR and GLC than see Rammstein or System Of A Down.
Rae is going to "Taste Of Chaos" tonight....she had to work so she missed over half of it. she is only really going to see FFAF and KillSwitch Engage...not my thing but i hope she enjoys herself :D xxx
Niffs comment is "Have you noticed?.....Taste Of Chaos....doesnt really have ANY chaos in it does it?.....its all emo bands with the exception of a NWOAHM offspring band intergrated"
Only real gig that seems good this year is the Arch Enemy & Strapping Young Lad one in Cardiff Coal Exchange 12th December. Me and Rae are going....i think alot of Raes friends are going as ill have to try and get my lot to go as i dont want to feel a bit left out and alone. Fun Fun Fun..cant wait to see the metal overlord Devin Townsend.
Well anything will be better than the Trivium gig....Trivium Suck. Alot only say they are cool because its the new "cool" thing to do.
*glares at Rae* MWHAHAHA thought you didnt like them that much hun ;P jk lol
Watched The Descent the other day and WOW its such a great movie :) Cant wait to show my house mates when they finally get back.
Have to see about the Hoodies we have ordered for the group and i hope everyone pays up as i cant afford to be without the money when i got shitty bills to pay.
Think my phone is working now as im recieving TXTS so im happy with that.
Have to get Raes christmas pressies...i hope she likes them.
Missing Rae an awful lot today....i think i was a bit negative to her earlier :( I think....i dunno i just really really miss her loads.
Cant wait to see her this christmas im not letting go of her :D
Love you Rae miss you xxx
Megz and Niff laughing at the "O RLY" picture
Niff being....well...Niff really
Pirate Megz
Me being a bit creepy