[OOC: Legion pre-expansion notes (ongoing)]

Jul 26, 2016 18:11

From Blizzard's website:

The Forsaken's ruthless leader is a formidable champion of her people. But with the Burning Legion's invasion, the stakes for the Dark Lady have never been higher. Should Sylvanas perish, her demise will be the beginning of her eternal damnation. All that stand between her and this doom are her Val'kyr, yet few of these spirit guardians remain. As her fate edges closer to the abyss, Sylvanas must decide how far she'll go to protect her people...and whether they're more precious to her than her soul.

For the beginning of her relationship with the Val'kyr, read "Sylvanas Windrunner: Edge of Night" by Dave Kosak. In my opinion, the short story contains one large flaw: I always thought The Banshee Queen genuinely cared from the beginning about those she led, at very least as people who thirsted for vengeance as much as she did. Thus, I believed she would not abandon them after the end of Wrath of the Lich King. Unfortunately, I can't ignore Blizzard canon. :-P At least they give her less ridiculous armor...

legion, ooc, characterization notes

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