Nov 18, 2010 01:02
A lot of people are doing these lately. I guess I'll join in.
Sylvanas can sense magical energies even as an undead high elf. She is not a mage, but can identify the basic type of energy (necromancy, nature-based, elemental) and get a vague idea of a spell's function. A good example: in a battle to retake her Undercity in WoW: Wrath of the Lich King, she notices demon magic in the air a few seconds before a wave of those outsiders teleport in and assault her troops. If your character has a special enchanted weapon or a tattoo that grants powers, she will most likely notice they are enhanced. She cannot, however, read their abilities like a book.
1. What magical thing(s) may Sylvanas discover upon meeting your character? Is there anything that would/should be hidden from her?
If you want to step in on a two-character interaction, I'm okay with it. In fact, I'd welcome it! (I think this is called threadjacking these days.) Just drop a little OOC note in the thread to tell me/us you want in.
Sylvanas is certainly talented, but she isn't all-powerful! Assault her if you dare, but leave it open-ended whether your attack connects or not. It's only courteous. I'll do the same for you.
Comments? Critiques? Suggestions? Tell me here.