Dark Quest Books and Editors Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Jennifer Ross, and Jeffrey Lyman are proud to announce that Dragon's Lure has been selected as a finalist for the 2012 EPIC Award for Best Anthology.
Dragon's Lure is a multi-author anthology with contributions by: John Grant, Vonnie Winslow Crist,
Patrick Thomas, James Chambers, Misty Massey,
Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Mike Penncavage, CE Murphy, Hildy Silverman,
Bernie Mojzes, Randy Farran,
CJ Henderson, Claire Stephens McMurray, Robert E. Waters, DC Wilson,
Jean Marie Ward, Keith RA DeCandido, Anna Yardney,
Jeffrey Lyman,
James Daniel Ross, and
David B. Coe This is not the first recognition bestowed on this collection. Last week the Washington Science Fiction Association announced the finalists for the 2011 WSFA Small Press Award, Jean Marie Ward was among those short-listed for the honor, for her short story Lord Bai's Discovery, which is one of the stories in Dragon's Lure. In addition, Vonnie Winslow Crist was among the top ten finalists in this year's Preditors and Editors Readers' Poll for her story Weathermaker. To learn more about the book, please visit
Congratulations go out to our contributors and all the other authors honored by the committee with finalist status in their categories.
The final awards will be presented at EPICon in March.