So it's almost 2 in the morning, and I should probably be sleeping, but I had to stay up to call Emma at midnight. And I did, at midnight, right on the nose. Yay for being first.
It's been a good couple of days, all things considered. I have everything in for my section of the paper, and it should all be in to copy and layout by tomorrow, which would make me on time and almost early! Classes are going fairly well, which is good. None of them are hard. Just time consuming, which is almost as bad, but not quite.
Life on campus is pretty ho-hum. No parties or anything, which is kinda lame, but I do my fair share of partying with the loveloves on the weekends anyway. It's fun planning my weekends around who's on duty... not. But at least I've been seeing enough of my Liz, without whom I would surely perish. My mom is convinced that we are dating, and I refuse to tell her otherwise because I enjoy seeing her squirm... ^_-
Speaking of making my mother uncomfortable... I haven't told anyone about Scotland yet. I figure there's no point in upsetting her until I know for sure whether the trip is feasable at all, GPA-wise. So until I actually submit my application, it shall remain my little secret. Oh well.
I love the freshmen this year. They're so much fun, and the ones I've met are ridiculously friendly. I met two more this past weekend, and all their friends throughout the next couple of days, and it's awesome.
But I miss last year and being the freshmen and having friends in Lakeview who actually planned coordinated parties and weren't assholes about guestlists and drama and fights.
Halloween is going to KICK SO MUCH ASS this year. We're having the funeral party. Gonna be sick. Can't wait. And of course, I have to be Elphaba when we go trick-or-treating. And Paul's gonna be Fiyero and Orrie's gonna be Glinda (dont ask) and Danielle's going to be Dorothy (how fucking perfect is THAT?!?!). And we're having a ghost-story night down in the amphitheatre. And CAB's sponsoring a trip to Salem, MA and I think I might go with a group of my freshman buddies. Yay.
Kk it's time for bed.
75 days.
Mischief managed.