Tales of Vesperia rant2

May 02, 2008 10:26

Yea... I'm going to be ranting about it.
Ok, and forget what I said bout those voice actors in the last rant. Cause it hasn't been confirmed, that was just some idiot on Wikipedia. Swear. I need to stop TRUSTING IT SO MUCH. BUT ANYWAY!!!! I found something MUCH BETTER though its probably not really new... but I don't care T___T;

IT'S THE TRAILER IN ENGLISH : D *DIES* I'msorryI'mjustreallyexcited!

image Click to view

And here's some info from IGN. Haven't been there to check on this game, so some of it for me was new-ish:
"Tales of Vesperia takes place in a world controlled by a single empire. This is usually not a good thing and such is the case here. The main character, Yuri, comes from a poor district and is fighting to make changes and protect his brethren. He first tried becoming an imperial knight to work from within the system but now believes that doing what is best matters most, even if it brings you outside of the law. His childhood friend, Flynn, has a different sense of justice and is continuing to work with the imperial knights. From there, the adventure begins."

"The demo we played took place roughly three or four hours into the game and, like many brief sessions with RPGs, raised more questions than it answered and offered little context. For instance, what is the deal with the pipe-smoking dog? Don't worry, we asked and found out. He's Yuri's companion and pretty darn good in a fight. The pipe is a memento from his old master." YAY NOW I KNOW WHY IT'S IN HIS MOUTH! hurrraaaay...

"Namco Bandai plans to have Tales of Vesperia release as close to simultaneous as possible in Japan and the US in 2008. That's quite a big goal considering Tales of Vesperia is reportedly a bit longer than Tales of the Abyss, the previous biggest game in the series."

lol I wonder if Yuri and Estelle are talking about Flynn at the end *DREAMS AND HOPES*

It's from a forum, and he/she said firsthand that they're not exactly FLUENT, but still, it was an interesting read and sounds pretty accurate. Though I hope he/she does the other two!!.

Yuri Lowell
Age 21
180 cm

He used to grow up dreaming about joining the knighthood, but was disappointed by the corruption and decided to quit.

While his best friend remained in the knighthood, he continued to live in the downtown where he was brought up and lived as if he were the people's (inhabitant's) bodyguard. Because he repeatedly saw the tyranny of the authorities, of those in power, he began to hate the nobles and government.

When he was thrown in prison for a certain event, he met a young girl named Estelle, and with that it was decided that he would choose his path of traveling throughout the great world to find his own meaning for justice.

He has a foul mouth, but even if something or other is said he still cannot leave those in trouble. He helps those in need from the surroundings.

Estelle (real name Esuteri-ze/ Estellize?)
Age 18
165 cm

Estelle is young girl who met Yuri through a strange encounter inside of the castle. Her real name is Esuteri-ze (Estellize?), but received the name of Estelle from Yuri, and from now on she would be called by this name.

She is an upper class like girl who’s manners and behavior is that separated from that of the rest of the world. Inclined by her dream like behavior she often confuses those around her. Meanwhile she enjoys reading, and she can answer many questions to abundant amounts of knowledge.

With her imagination from the remote castle she can see reality with her one eyes and she is shocked, but, she single-heartedly with her own eyes will see the real world, and find out all what she can do on her own.

When she sees that a partner is injured she has the ability to heal that person. (She’s a magic user/expert with healing magic).


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