The Best Day Of My F-ing Life!!!!

May 28, 2007 01:13

And yesterdays concert was my first all of the band....(NOT LIKE I LIKED PAUL WALL)
So here is what happened through out the best day of my f-ing life!!

So, I got to DTE around 3:40 and met up with someone who was coming early. Wait like an hour to get in the gates of DTE. We were like the second group of girls in the whole place. We went and looked at out seats and saw we had not REALLY..(like see the sweat) seats,,,but they were good. We waited in another line for the merch. (they had all day to set up and they were doing it like when the gates opened!! WTF) While in this line we think Michale from TAI walked through us with two other people and no one but me noticed him and then my friend said it did look like him and I was like no one is noticing!! So once me and my two friend got our stuff we went to the VIP place. (Oh I forgot to tell you that me and my had VIP tickets....not that great...I mean we did not get to see all the bands. but still kool!!) We heard that Cobra Starship start so we ran out their and met up with the other friend and went to our seats and watched them play!!!

They talked how they were there to warm us up and make us hot and ready for the show. Once Bring It was on, William Beckett came on stage and so did Paul Wall. And that was great!!

Then Paul Wall went on and we left for the VIP place again and then decided to go walk around and out of the corner of my eye I saw Gabe from Cobra and got to talk to him and take a pic and he signed my pants!!

Tricia and Gabe

Me and Gabe
So after that my friend and I went back to our seats and watched The Academy Is..!

William was great, and the set was great, and SISKY is great!!
I mean I loved it all!!

Then they said they too would be siging stuff after their set, so my friend and I left and went to go get in line, and I mean this line was LONG!! So these girls came up behind us and we started to talk and we all deicided to cut in line. But at first we were getting no where, but I started to get pissed off because these guys (I mean 5 year olds....i think they were like 15) were letting tons of people cut. So a group us 20 girls just moved in front of the line and I yelled at them because they were just pushing my buttons a little to much. So we just jumped so much in line and got closer. Then we kept getting closer and closer and finally we got to the table. I mean I talked to Sisky! (HE CUT HIS HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!) and I told Sisky that it was the Pistons then the Bulls and he was like ok you are good. So I had them all sign the pants I had on and they did and then I had William sign my phone too! Oh, i forgot I gave Sisky a note saying to come to the VIP place and he read it smiled and put it in his back pocket. Once that was over we when and got some water and all that and then we went to go catch the end of +44 and it was good. Then we had a little bit of time and got some more water and then went back and saw Fall Out Boy.

Fall Out Boy!
Ok, so how they get on stage is SWEET! They all, but Andy jumped up from under the stage! And then they played and said how they were happy to be so close to home. And the show went on for a while! Then they played Beat It! And I love that song, they started a song with I Write Sins! but Pete was like 'we are not that band, this is not that song' and I was great. At one point Pete and Joe was right behind me and my friend, they were like on a little stage near the lawn seats!! And the rest of the show was just great!!

After the show we just went to the VIP place and waited till they kicked us out! They never came but oh well!!

So now I can die happy and know that nothing can top this (un less I like get to hang with the band or something!)!!!!!
Well, I am tired and need some sleep! I almost pass out twice yesterday!!
But, all is well!!................hope you all like this, once I have my pics and all, I will post them!!


Ps...I just remembered when William was sigined my friend's and mine stuff the guy was video taping it.....well my friend gave William this sheet thing and that got on tape and when he was signing my pant leg that was on if it gets posted from yesterday and you see William sigining a pant with like KK written in black and green, and a paper with color writing all over it that was me and my friend!!

I LOVE THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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