Olivia de Buenas Curvas --
A hermit living in the big city
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at
QuizGalaxy.com ......... Hmmm... Sounds like me if I go to UMA (for the first wk, maybe lol)
So yeah, on a positive note, I may have decided what I want to do with my life.
I wanted something where I was helping people, but not as a psychiatrist or even therapist or something so removed as that.
And after the other night, between talking to Kate a lot with her telling me that I've helped her and then going and picking up five 15-year-old girls from a party at midnight because their ride was drunk, and driving them home and having them be all drunk and scared and thankful, and reflecting on the adults who have had the most positive influences on me, and I realized something obvious.
I want to help adolescent girls. I don't know if I'll do it through teaching or as a counselor or what, but it makes sense. Books like 'Reviving Ophelia' really move me, and I want to go back in time and save the little girl I was, but she's lost, and now I just want to do everything in my power to save the rest. I can inspire them to realize a talent and follow their dreams, or give them advice on how to stop the bad forces in their lives when they feel like giving up hope, or just listen to them when the secrets are overwhelming - Or I'll just pick them up from parties when they're scared and drunk and need a ride home at midnight! - I don't care, but I want to help. I need to help.
I've found a calling, however vague it may be.
And it's way better than just being led to a career.