the best 4th in recent memory

Jul 05, 2009 09:51

The past few years, my car has either almost gotten blown up, I've almost gotten caught on fire, ended up coming home with a terrible migrain, actually coming home with singed fingers, or all of the above...and the reason is simple...we've gone places where either a) people don't watch their kids and let them who are under the age of 16 light off fireworks (and let's face it, there's a reason you have to be 18 to buy them folks, or the adults were just too inebriated to set them off themselves, and in which case (like last year) I had to do it myself, and I should never be allowed around fire and fireworks ever, because I'm a clutz. Like to the extreme...last year, I almost caught my hair on fire, because I stood over a fountain that exploded, and it was so windy that every single time I lit one, my fingers got burnt. Yeah, joy.

We had planned to go out to John Thurman field to watch the fireworks out there this year, but the City of Modesto screwed us. Since they didn't want to have to pay their entire police force holiday pay, they decided to just do their Independance Day show after the Modesto Nuts game on Friday tickets meant you weren't gonna get to watch the show. I had always intended to just go sit out in the park and watch, but since the game could have gone into overtime or something, and we hadn't planned on going that night, we already had dinner out and whatnot, we were pretty much fucked. Nice.

We had asked Michael and Heather if they wanted to come over, maybe swim or something, if they did, we'd buy a few fireworks so Livie could see her first ones, but they invited us over there, and OMG, am so glad we decided to go...Heather asked us if I'd watch the baby so she could get everything ready, so I said okay.

So, let me get back into the weekend, so let me rewind for a minute...Friday at work was...a bit terse...drama is unfolding. It seemed to get better briefly...but I know when I got back on Tuesday, it's just going to be bad again. Whatever. Am done caring. Anyway, got off work, and Tim and I went on a few errands, and then ended up having dinner. Got home, and just sorta chilled for a while. I tried to do some writing, but I was just too exhausted (and since I didn't write on Saturday either much, Kairi is getting mad at me). Went to bed at 3.

Got up at 915, and am getting super tired of not sleeping on the damn weekends. I don't care what time I go to bed the night before, I don't sleep past 9. And I'm exhausted right now, but my body refused to let me sleep anymore. But up, finished laundry, took a shower, and had gotten a text from randombastary inviting me to lunch. (BTW, Olive Garden was good, but I think I want Marcella's next time ;) ) So I went and picked up Livie and met her there.

We did a little talking about writing, mostly just oogled over no waiter to oogle over. Especially since randombastary totally let me down and didn't ask for the hot waiter's table. I bet she doesn't even remember his name. LOL Anyway, it was fun, and filling, and the baby was very good, even if she did leave me some very nasty surprises. And we decided to take Penelope and Kairi on a playdate sometime soon. Which means I have to get busy not only working on Book 1's rewrite, but also getting what I have written in Book 2 typed up so I can start again. *eye roll* Yes, Kairi I hear you, you can stop screaching.

When I left OG, I brought baby back here, and we hung out with Tim. And I made dinner shortly thereafter. Livie took a nap right around the time we ate. After dinner, and Tim took a shower, we headed over there, and hung out outside with Heather, and Mike, and their friend April. And I have pictures!

Tim and Livie watching Mike throw a wolfpack probably at April

Mike doing something, and Livie is telling us how cool she thinks it is.


Uncle Tim and Livie just hanging out, probably talking politics or something ;)

As I am a camera ninja, I got Heather, and she didn't even know it. Hee!

"What you have, Auntie April??"

Livie's first fourth, and she loves it.

I ended up with a bit of a buzz, and it felt good to just relax with friends, drink a big bottle of Smirnoff Green Apple, and talk. And I didn't have to light off any (though I did, I did a ground flower, and damn thing was a dud). After we were done, Heather, April and I walked to Stop and Save on a mission because Heather wanted peanuts...Okay, ever try walking a mile round trip when you have a buzz (I'd also had a few sips of something called a four loco which is like 11% alcohol)? Yeah, that was fun...kept trying to step up curbs that weren't there...and then trying to look cool while doing it. Oh, and apparently Michael is not a fan of red laser pointers...but we think they're hilarious. *snorfle* We came home at around 1, because I was about to pass out from sheer exhaustion and apparently it was their movie night...but overall, very good day.

And here I am, up at 9:15 again. Bitches.
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