TRY TO LOVE AGAAAAIN ::cough.:: Let's not and say we didn't.

May 28, 2004 14:59

This week I've come in contact with my dad's family overseas. They've been calling me almost everyday. It's fun. Really. All except for the whole language barrier and the phone screcching at the other end because it's an international call.

My cousin, I don't know her name off the top of my head right now. Is seven years old and was translating most of the time. She sounds really cute and sweet. She speaks pretty good english too from what I can tell. Not perfect but good. Oh well, maybe if I decide to visit in Jiddah I'll teach her s'more, yanno what I mean?

Monel, my aunt, had her ask me about several times if I want anything from Saudi Arabia. I didn't really know what to say so I tried ( And I really did. ) to tell them I didn't know what I wanted. But she insisted. I said to get me a necklace or bracelet. Well, bully for me, they didn't know what that meant in arabic. Wee. Fun. Yes. So I just told the little squirt that she and her mom can surprise me instead. Sore. I'm a genius. It worked.

Tomorrow they're going to cal around 2:00 in the afternoon. I hope they wrote my email address right. I did wrote theirs right too. I pray they don't accidently call at like 4:00 a.m. again either. They woke my brother up doing so last time, I didn't know at the time, I was too busy sleeping for the next hour before getting up and running off to meet Michaele for the bus.

Anyway.. enough about my oh so not interesting life...

If you could describe me in one word, what would it be and why? If not one word, use only two. Afterward pass this on.
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