:ahem: Little girl, please.

Jul 16, 2007 17:09

Thats cute, you know.
I think it really sucks that I've fought someone because they've abandoned you somewhere, and you have the nerve to be so apathetic towards me being worried why you've been a complete and total bitch to some people? Yeah, you look alot older than you are but you are so stupid towards somethings that it's rediculous. The only time people bitch at you is because you care but what youve become is a liar, a theif, and sounds to be a slut.
You blow people off that cared for you and thought you were so cute because you were young and innocent, but now your rollin and doing all these drugs, probably having sex with your illegal immigrant  of a boyfriend, and you've changed so much being with him and i'm starting to be like, okay whatever.
But it sucks because I care and your gonna end up ruining your life. You are so fucking stupid, I just want you to know. And you can smile and act like you don't care all you want but remember i won't have your back when you need it, and I wouldn't hit a complete and total stranger because they were a bitch to you.
Look what you are now, a bitch.
So when you want to grow up some and start ACTING like your actual age, which is what? 14? 15? yeah. You're not grown, no where near it. Sorry your relationship with your boyfriend is illegal. Find someone your own age who feels the same as you. You'll regret being like this one day, trust me
but until then, do your drugs, have your fun, but people that actually cared won't want anything to do with you.
It's not cute anymore, you're not cute anymore.
Where did you go?
this isn't my little girl. >:/

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