Nov 07, 2012 18:30
Kevin and Liz moved into my house on Halloween so far things are going well. Especially the money they gave me to deal with them ;)
They also brought up lots of booze! I have had a little but last night I had A LOT! Stayed up way to late and today I'm dragging! At least it's only an 8 hour shift and Thursday I have off since Friday I work 16 hours.
Tomorrow I'm going to see somebody about refinancing my house. It looks good that I will go from a 5.5% loan to a 3.5% saving me about 100 bucks a month(& if I'm smart and lucky I can add that to the principle every month.
I should probably first try and build up an actual savings since I have never really done that before.
Then I talked to my mom today and she reminded me about some Bazzaar thing at the Yelm moose where she wants me to make some jewelry so she can sell it there. I have a week to do that so not sure how many I will be able to get done between now and next weekend. But it would be nice to have a little extra money on top of of everything else I may even be able to take time off and go do something to fun.