Apr 18, 2009 09:52
It's been awhile... I can't really get online at work anymore so I don't have time to update this shit since I still don't have a computer! Yeah.
I didn't even write about my bday! Which was awesome! We went to dinner... everyone ate too much mexican food to have cake so we left almost a whole damn cake at Mamas! Ha... $300 tab at mamas too! We had lotsa drinks... Ended up going to Noc Noc after.. it was 80s night! Nicole surprised me and showed up! Was really good to hang out with her at a club again... I miss the old days a little sometimes... And I got a phone call from my friend Minke! She called at like 3am and I was tanked.. funny... We couldn't talk very long because my phones crappy and kept cutting out and not letting me pick it back up! I think I asked her about cheetos. hahaha... I might have been stoned too... Possibly...?
Yeah, so Luke spent months telling me how I couldn't get anything alive because he didn't want to try to take care of something besides cats.. all I wanted was a frog or a gecko or something.. and kept convincing me I wasn't getting anything.. then at mamas mexi kitchen he gave me a card with a lizard on a front and on the inside it said "I got you something alive.. and green!"... He got me two baby anole lizards! They are the cutest little babies... I named one Green Egg and the other Ham Ham.. Luke came up with the names.. well he said green egg and ham. But I thought Ham wasn't enough so I added a ham to the end of it. he's my favorite one. They don't usually like to be held but Ham Ham loves it, when I open their cages he runs to the top of whatever tree is closest to you and reaches up towards the top of the cage and waits for you to pick him up. It's the cutest thing. Seriously. I love them green babies.
It was for sure one of my best b-days. I loved it.
We went to Zaks bday too.. that was pretty fun. I ended up dancing up on the booths there are a few pics on the seattle weekly website and the chapel website too. Pretty awesome!
I can't wait for our trip to oregon. I need to get out of here a little while. We really need to plan other trip to cali. We couldn't do it this time... not enough funds to go AND move when we get back... Meh.