Aug 13, 2001 02:02
Damn, ONly users with "Paid Accounts" can create styles. Damn those capitalist bastards! Well, Since your all probably saying in your heads (or out loud) "Isn't Will the quiet kid, Who never voices hi opinions? Yeah i am. When Someones there to beat me down. Here on the Net, Its My Domain. Mwaaaaaaahahah.....
Oh, You wish to know about my life? well i spent the whole day working on the Camaro ('78 type lt for those interested) So my arms hurt, and we're leaving for a 4 day vacation up north tomorow at like 7 am. Fun. I'm beginning to realize the amount of people who hate me. and most i don't even know. It makes me kinda sad. Also the fact that i have a an overprotecive mother, Who won't let me do anything at all. Can't wait till i have a car. Have a little freedom then. argh. I can't believe school starts in 2 weeks, i also can't beleive i acctually sorta want to go back (get outta this FUCKING HOUSE)