Nov 01, 2005 15:31
(R = Me)
R: So, the guys get the trenchcoats?
M: Yeah
R: could always kill one of them for a trechcoat
M: Your forgetting, I could seduce one.
R: Would you reaaly seduce someone you don't know to get a trenchcoat?
M: If he's good looking enough
Res: *Jumps out of hog; Everyone gets killed* Sooo...guess I jumped ship a little too early
R: That's what she said last night.
Mark: So I don't know her stance on stuff the government frowns upon
Res:You mean left wing media?
Ben: It's so hard to tell the good enemies from the bad enemies at this point in the game [Halo 2]. It used to be easy: you could just discriminate racially!
Greg: That sounds bad, but it's absolutely true.
Aaron: Holy shit! Rose Greenbergh? Why do I keep running into people?
Ian: The real question is, why isn't the train moving?
Ben: Maybe we failed to register the trigger. Maybe someone should go out and walk back on again.
Damien: No, this is Aaron's scene, he needs to talk to Rose before the train will move.
Aaron: Should I talk to her? I mean we haven't seen eachother in, like, a bajillion years, it could be strange.
Damien: Dude you need to, it's the only way the train will move.
Ian: Maybe this is the scene where we lose Aaron, he has to get off the train to talk to her and then the train pulls away.
Aaron: Well I wouldn't get off the train that would be stupid, but I could talk to her across the door.
Everyone: Do it!
Aaron: Yeah?
Everyone: YES!
Aaron: Ok... Rose Greenburgh?
Rose: Yeah... Holy shit, Aaron Tarnow?! What are you doing here?
Aaron: I'm here with a bunch of friends from CMU. Hey, this train is about to pull away, you should get on.
Rose: Ummmm... yeah, I can get my train at the next stop, ok.
(steps on train, door immediately closes)
Everyone: Woohoo! Yay! Yeah!
Damien: Rose Greenburgh joined your party.
Ben: See, it didn't register someone getting on. Ya had to walk across the trigger point again. I hate badly coded levels.
Damien: No, Aaron had to talk to Rose, that was the trigger that let the story progress. It was just a badly designed trigger, not necessarially a badly coded one.
Ian: Quest complete noise