College update

Oct 01, 2005 02:52's been a long time since I updated, yet this one will remain short.

Anyways, I've been at UC Irvine for just under two weeks. Haven't done all that much in the way of homework or exercise, but a lot of hanging out.

My courses are:
Biology 93 (4 Units)
-Lecture MWF 11-11:50 PM
-Discussion M 1-1:50 PM

Honors Humanities Core (8 Units)
-Lecture TuTh 9:30 AM-10:20 PM
-Discussion TuTh 12:30-1:50 PM
-Forum F 9-9:50 AM (4 Units)

Honors General Chemisty (4 Units)
-Lecture MWF 10-10:50 AM
-Discussion Tu 3-3:50 PM

Honors General Chemistry Lab (2 Units)
-Discussion W 12-12:50 PM
-Lab W 6-9:50 PM

The people are really cool. But for the first time, I feel more normal than others. It's probably 'cause I'm in the Honors dorm. ^_^ There are some people that are completely socially inept, though, and that makes me feel somewhat more self-confident. I've mainly been hanging with my dorm-mates (Shire Yeah!) and just doin' my own thing. Also met some cool tennis-ers here.

I've been not sleeping much all that often - in the last few days, we've watched a hoard of movies, including Hero, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Team America, 28 Days Later, Pulp Fiction...if you have any suggestions of stuff to watch, suggest away and I'll see if my friends can get it and watch it.

I do however, feel like I'm settling in. It's a nice feeling, of sorts, since I've tended on the introvert side my entire life. The people here are nice, and the only thing I really miss is good Chinese food. Oh well, looks like you can't have it all.
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