Fandoms (from Left to Right)
Leanne/Zephyr from Resonance of Fate (End of Eternity)
Yuuki/Zero from Vampire Knight
Olivia/Peter from Fringe
Stella/Noctis from Final Fantasy Versus XIII
CC/Lelouch from Code Geass
Elena/Stefan from Vampire Diaries
Cesia/Rath from Dragon Knights
Soah/Mui from Bride of the Water God
Buffy/Angel from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
Miyu/Larva from Vampire Princess Miyu
Maka/Soul from Soul Eater
Relena/Heero from Gundm Wing
Razel/Alzeid from Hatenkou Yuugi (Dazzle)
Arewen/Aragorn from Lord of the Rings
Rinoa/Squall from Final Fantasy VIII
Cleao/Orphen from Sorcerous Stabber Orphen
Lenalee/Allen from D.Gray Man
Zeda/Link from Legend of Zelda
Elizabeth/Will from Pirates of the Caribbean
Winry/Ed from Fullmetal Alchemist