Doing all this stupid online "training" crap. I'm not sure...I think maybe sitting through a horrible class and zoning out was better lol.
I did one on Blood Borne Pathogens weee cartoon blood made me want to throw up for some odd reason (I can watch surgeries n crap and not be affected so dunno. weird). There were several really funny graphics. One was a screw driver with blood on the end being washed. WTF?!! lol Then one slide later there was a huge puddle of blood being mopped up. Some crazy screwdriver murderer?
Then I did one on sexual harassment. Ok that was really dumb. I don't remember if I had to go to a class the last time or not. An online slide presentation? I know places are trying to make things easier, less time, less people ect but, seems pretty dumb to me. Then of course it was pretty limited and vauge. I tried to submit a comment about it suggesting this great article:
Sexual Harassment & Masculinity I had to do a presentation on it last semester, it was really interesting but of course the stupid submit a comment button doesn't work (or maybe it doesn't work after a certain point?). Anyway...yeah the whole thing just focused on things that everyone knows fall under sexual harassment and only a breif mention of the things that often cause problems but no one reports because they aren't sure. :P
So now I'm falling asleep during the diversity one. I'm starting to nit pick at gramatical/sentence stuff. I'm crap at that stuff too. I stopped to write this because I have no clue what they are talking about, it's like they are off on some bizarre tangent and the guy narrating the thing sounds like George W Bush. :P
I forgot how annoying it was to do all this stuff for this job but, at least I can do it all at once and not go running around to classes. I still have to go to all the crappy mandatory meetings though. Just remembered I have to fill out the crapy union forms...I didn't do it on time last time and they took a chunk out of me. At least this time I know about it :P . Agggg.