Jun 27, 2011 17:00
Now I open Pre-order for KAT-TUN's Single, Run For You
Yosh! For them who live in Indonesia (especially Jakarta and Bandung) other cities are also acceptable, and want to buy KAT-TUN Run For You but don't know how to buy it online, I can help you to buy it.
Perkiraan harga (sudah termsk biaya dr Jpg ke Indo) *Ud fixed harga dr HMV*
LE = Rp 192.000
1st press = Rp 205.000
Regular = Rp 205.000
Klo bli 3-3ny di HMV harganya jadi Rp 552.000 dan langsung dikirim ke rumah kalian
Harga LE lebih murah soalnya di Single kali ini LE ny hanya berisi 1 lagu dan PV+Making sedangkan 1st Press dan RE berisi 4 lagu
Yes Asia
Perkiraan harga (sudah termsk biaya dr Jpg ke Indo) *sampenya lbh lama drpd HMV, biasanya 2 minggu setelah rilis*
LE = Rp 175.000
1st press = Rp 172.500
Regular = Rp 162.500
Untuk YA hanya berlaku untuk pemesanan kelipatan 3,
Pembayaran harus dilakukan LUNAS sebelum tanggal 12 Juli 2011
Maaf ga bisa cicil 2x untuk Single kali ini dan pemesanan akan DITUTUP tanggal 12 Juli 2011, dikarenakan diriku mau pergi ke Luar Negeri
*Apabila ad koneksi internet disana, maka pre order akan kubuka lagi hingga tanggal 20 Juli
PS: Kalau mau tanya lebih jelasnya silahkan tinggalkan pesan disini atau PM
Deskripsi Single ny sebagai berikut
Run For You (Limited Edition)
Sixteenth single release from KAT-TUN. This edition includes a bonus DVD with a music video of the title song and its making-of. Different cover artworks are featured on three editions (JACA-5276, JACA-5278, and JACA-5279).*Unless otherwise indicated, DVDs are region-2 encoded (Japan, Europe, and Middle East), and carry no subtitles.)
Run For You (1st Press)
Sixteenth single release from KAT-TUN. This edition includes tracks "RUN FOR YOU," "COSMIC CHILD," "DIAMOND," and one more song (A) plus karaoke tracks of them. Different cover artworks are featured on three editions
Run For You (Regular Edition)
Sixteenth single release from KAT-TUN. This edition includes tracks "RUN FOR YOU," "COSMIC CHILD," "DIAMOND," and one more song (B) plus karaoke tracks of them. Different cover artworks are featured on three editions