[Pre order] KAT-TUN - World BIG Tour DVD Concert 2010 [Indonesia]

Nov 17, 2010 18:59

Now I opening Preorder for KAT-TUN  World BIG Tour DVD Concert 2010

Yosh! For those who live in Indonesia (especially Jakarta and Bandung) any city are also acceptable, and want to buy KAT-TUN World BIG Tour DVD Concert 2010 but don't know how to buy it online, I can help to buy it.

Perkiraan harga maksimum (sudah termsk biaya dr Jpg ke Indo)
LE  = ( Read more... )

dvd, preorder

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ext_375309 December 30 2010, 14:47:36 UTC
maaf, mau nanya nie klo mau bli langsung di toko kasetnya gmn?
Tau toko kaset yg ngejual gag di jakarta ato di bandung?


darkokame December 30 2010, 15:21:45 UTC
Waduh kayanya blm ad d toko kaset yg jual DVD Original Jpg. Rata2 sih pre order setauku


ext_375309 December 30 2010, 15:36:43 UTC
oooh.. kira2 berapa lama bru ada? Dan yoko kasetnya dimana aja? Oia, harganya juga ttp 660 rb? Thx


darkokame December 30 2010, 15:56:49 UTC
Waduh ga tau d yah klo pre order di toko gtu dtgny brp lama. Di gonzo sih kayanya bisa cuma brgny dtgny lama plus harganya hampir 2x lipet, setauku sih bgitu


ext_375309 December 31 2010, 04:58:39 UTC
ooh.. ok. Makasih ya.


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