[Pre order] KAT-TUN - CHAIN [Indonesia]

Dec 22, 2011 21:56

Now I open Pre-order for KAT-TUN's Album, CHAIN

For them who live in Indonesia who want to buy KAT-TUN's Album CHAIN but
don't know how to buy it online, I can help you to buy it.

Langsung sampe ke rumah kalian (perkiraan 1-2 hari setelah rilis, bahkan kadang sebelum rilis pun ud bisa sampai) (Ada Tracking Number)
LE  = Rp. 550.000
Regular = Rp 500.000

Langsung sampe ke rumah kalian (perkiraan 3 - 7 hari setelah rilis) (Ada Tracking Number)
LE  = Rp. 515.000  *Restock*

Yes Asia
Langsung sampe ke rumah kalian *sampenya lbh lama drpd CD Japan, biasanya paling lama 2 minggu setelah rilis* (Ga ada Tracking Number)
LE = Rp 450.000
Regular = Rp 380.000

Kali ini ga ada pre order dari HMV, soalny hargany sama kaya CD Japan tapi sampeny lbh cepet CD Japan. Jadi ak cuma buka CD Japan dan Yes Asia ^^

Berhubung HMV kasi harga spesial ak terima pre order LE CHAIN dari HMV sekarang :D

Pembayaran bisa dicicil 2x atopun bayar lunas
Pembayaran pertama sebelum : 20 Januari 2012
Deadline pelunasan : 12 Februari 2012

PS: Kalau mau tanya lebih jelasnya silahkan tinggalkan pesan disini atau PM

Deskripsi Album ny sebagai berikut

CHAIN  (Limited Edition)
Sixth album release from KAT-TUN including five single tracks, seven new songs, and five new songs featuring member's solo part (total of 17 songs). The jacket design used for the limited edition is different from the one used for the regular edition. This edition includes a bonus DVD with music video(s) and bonus video footage. Comes with a booklet. *Unless otherwise indicated, DVDs are region-2 encoded (Japan, Europe, and Middle East), and carry no subtitles.

CHAIN (Regular Edition)
Sixth album release from KAT-TUN including five single tracks, seven new songs, and five new songs featuring member's solo part (total of 17 songs). The jacket design used for the limited edition is different from the one used for the regular edition. This edition includes a lyrics card.

album, preorder

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