A Swedish horror film? Yup and it trumps anything Hollywood has been able to come up with in years. Brillaintly shot and acted this is a compelling and disturbing film. The two 12 year old protaganists/antagonists are wonderful to watch. Dialogue is kept to a minimum and director Tomas Alfredson lets his stark but haunting images speak for themselves. Its no wonder this film totally ignored by the Oscars this year, crept into many critics top 10 lists last year.
Strangely erotic , a tender love story is to be found amid the horrific images.
There are no cheap thrills here. The thrills are earned and are ingenious. The snow clad setting lend to the film a sense of isolation and coldness so fitting for this story. 2 outcasts meeting but one happens to be a vampire. Are they so different or are they more similar than you think. A really twisted view of childhood and very obvious critique of the irresponsibilities and cruelty of adults. Just like Frankenstein whose creation destroys its creator.
Thankfully this is not a SFX fest and its is kept to a minimum and when used, its very effective.
I can't recommend this film enough. Unfortunately its finishing its run at Cathay already but the great thing is that its out on DVD in the shops. Rent it, buy it, whatever. This is a must see.