Dinner and a movie saturday + hashing out the plans for Dublin.
Sherlock Holmes loves Watson. In fact, Watson is the only person Holmes has ever loved and will ever love in any way wether it be platonically, romantically or bromantically. Yes, he may be attracted to other people from time to time and I'm sure he is most defenitely not asexual, but Holmes only loves one person: Watson.
The trouble is that Holmes is
The Stoic and a
Kuudere and Watson
just wants to be normal because Holmes is driving him up the wall (with UST) so he decides to acquire
a wife and settle down somewhat.
The whole movie is Holmes' seducing Watson back in his own idiosyncratic way. The whole saving the empire thing? Totally incidental. Rewarding but not the point of the movie.
When Watson is hurt, Holmes is devastated in a way that very much mirrors 'The Three Garridebs' and you know that this is the point where Lord Blackwood has doomed himself.
"By the Lord, it is as well for you. If you had killed Watson, you would not have got out of this room alive." taken one step further. Watson nearly died, so Lord Blackwood must die and will die by Holmes' hand because John Watson is the only person he ever loved and he will not let any man take that away from him.
But he will make reluctantly way for an understanding woman. Mary is a good, intelligent woman who sees through Holmes' bluster and rudeness and finds in him an equal (at the very least) to her feelings for Watson. She 'will have him' but she won't oppose their attachment.
I hope that this is carried on in the sequel and that they don't make the lovely Mary a harridan.
I really liked this movie, mostly of course for the hoyay/bromance and the eyecandy. The story is paperthin - but then again many Holmesian stories are but the characters are fun, the sets beautiful and the actors seem to be immensely enjoying themselves.
ETA: go forth to
Metaquotes and do read the motherfucking context. LOL