Aug 26, 2004 14:02
Kelli comes home today from Texas visiting the family. This ends my macho, all male, all alone week long adventure of nakedness around the house(that prolly wont change) beating the crap out of the cat(he starts it), sleeping on the couch and watching bad/stupid movies Kelli wont watch with me.
Plus i have been of course looking at tons of pics of the Model Yuko Matsugane. *sigh*
Gonna have to burn the ones i printed off, as i doubt she would believe i was using them as reference work in sketches.
I was however, though i then stupidly decided to color the one. I always mention how coloring is the one thing im horrible at. Well not in painting. Painting i had a knack for, i just never focused as heavily on because of the use of pencil and paper so constantly in my artistic life.
So coloring..yeah i suck at it. I understand all the basics, the concepts for shading and tone... i just cant do it for the life of me. It also prolly doesnt help that when i dug up my colored pencils 3/4 were in shitty shape and i used them anyway. I also have no patience. Instead of patiently hatching and cross hatching for realistic effect i usually end up very quickly coloring the whole thing in so i can see how it looks. And the answer is always ass.
I SHOULD know better than that. I should know that when i hurry to see what it looks like, it always looks like ass...but years of coloring defeat shows otherwise. So i had what i thought was a rather cool sketch, that now looks like a kiddy book coloring piece of shit. Oh well.
Aside from that the place is a trainwreck of a mess. Dont look at me like that, only the small amount near the couch is mine. The landlord and contractor have been running up and down all week working on some wiring issues. Mostly this is due to the dishwasher we have which didnt have enough power to properly run. So when they went to fix that, they essentially opened up a pandoras box. The wiring in older houses is always "amusing" to say the least, and it was prolly something none of us wanted to deal with.(since the main breaker box/fuse is here with me). I heard my landlord say on a number of occasions that this house was going to drive him to drink, lol. I invited him to share with me if the need arose. On a related note, he mentioned having a old girlfriend. He was asking about all the crap that was on the stairs that go up and down(old stairs to basement, not in use really, and are gonna be torn out se we can have a closet in there, but for now just some stairs.), and i told him most of it was there when we moved in and he laughed because that meant it was all his. He pulled out one that was this "straw" thing, and it was apparently an old scarecrow costume he had from a halloween when his girlfriend dressed up as Dorothy.
Why do i mention this?
Well everyone else(aka Kelli) keeps telling me he's gay. Its not like i care either way, but he never really seemed like the gay type in any way. And the only evidence to him being gay is that he has one of his friends over a lot. I took this is "gay evidence" when i first hear it then i thought some more. Pretty much that whole situation could be describing the way me and Phil or Kyle(two of my best friends) lived for years. So now im wondering if anyone thought we were gay, lol. Now though im just trying not to think about it. Though i wonder if i should tell him. HIs secretary(who was helping to watch dogs while he was in Florida) told Kelli he was gay(or she thought he was, im not sure) so people obviously think he is. If he isnt, i think maybe i should tell him. But if he isnt, and i tell him, then im just gonna look silly. Bah, in the end im just gonna ignore it all, and im definately gonna look back on highschool now and see just how gay me and phil and kyle looked(man, prolly didnt help that i had that long hair...)
But to the point of the story. Everything else is a mess. They put in a new line and other stuff so there is a mess all over. The bedroom prolly is worse since there is an acess panel in there that the dresser was covering, so i moved dresser to get to that. Also when i was at work i guess they took of the plate to do some wiring in the bathroom so the lightswitch is all wonky. They had to take out some of the baseboard stuff as well, and there is a bit of mess on floor near bathroom door and such. So why havnt i cleaned it up? Well cause i dont even know if its done. Brian the contractor mentioend about finishing it up, but i havnt seen him past two days(work in morning and then today i know hes upstairs doing something) and i dont want to put all that shit back only to have to pull it out again.
So now Kelli returns to something she specifically didnt want, and im not at fault.(though i will still be blamed, i can count on this *sigh*). Im trying to decide if i should spend the breif time before work to clean up a little, or just leave her a note. I also have to take a shower before work though. Blah, i should have woke up earlier, i did go to bed early, but i woke up at noon. I should know by know that early bedtime only makes me worse to wake up, shoulda stuck to my latenight routine.
Anyway, if i die or am not heard of for a lil bit, it has something to do with all that. Though Kelli will maybe be on later to complain as well.