Random Update

Jun 15, 2007 23:01

Hey.. just sitting in the student lounge in Cheatham trying to catch up on some random work.. basically I am trying to get my life organized BEFORE the Summer II Semester begins and I will be once again knee-deep in homework. Im taking Public Speaking, Finance, and Production & Operations Management.. Classes begin July 2nd. I wish July 4th was on a weekend so I could go home and do the almost annual ritual of going to the cleveland fireworks and then joking about Brandy's (whom i've never met) house with Chris.

For now I am just working at both the Dietrick General Store and the Admissions office. Both of those are cool.. Money is money and it is all good. Theres not really anyone in Blacksburg though--seems like all my close friends decided to haul ass off to Northern Virginia/DC, except for maybe Rob who works when I dont and we never get in touch unless its about something important like the lease-- yes, I am living with Rob next year and that is awesome. We have a third roommate--Stephen, who've I only met once but he seems okay. As long as he is clean I don't think that matters very much what he is like, except for maybe if he is a complete asshole.. doubtful though.

I was looking in here and my last update was like.. ummm around the time of Nationals or so? Dont think i've ever had that long of a livejournal break ever. I think it is because of other sites like Facebook (mainly) and Myspace people are using livejournal less and less... oh well.. neither of those places have features that let me bitch effectively like Livejournal does. The Spring semester went pretty good.. I ended up on the Deans list with a 3.53 which is always fun--although it was kind of a weird semester.. even though my finals technically didn't count, if they had they neither would have hurt nor helped my grade, just kept it the same... like in Computer Modeling I had an average of 91--so I went ahead and got a 90 on the final. ehhh.. The teacher was nice enough to round it up to an A though. I don't know if the test would have been any harder if the tragedy had not occured.. but i'll go ahead and assume it made it easier.. ugh.

I don't remember too many specific details about the tragedy and the time around which it happens, as it is all sort of a blur now, although it seems still as though it happened just yesterday--even now that it is 2 months out. The one thing that I recall the most is that the time between when we found out and the following candlelight vigil felt like it was a whole week, even though it was definitely only about a day and a half. Going home was weird, and also unexpected.. I sort of didn't want to go home, but after the scare in Burruss on Wednesday, being on campus felt weird. Also, having News Channel 5 in Blacksburg---after the say, 5th interview, it just kind of got not only old, but also annoying so I left---of course not yet realizing that channel 5 went home the same day I did.. oh well. I didn't know any of the victims as best friends or such.. but I did know several of them casually, which kind of sucks. The ones I knew the best were all graduating or doing an internship during the summer though, so having them gone now just sort of feels like they are just doing that instead.. maybe it will be weird in the fall. I dont know.

OK, I think I am going to go before Food Lion closes at 12.. I sure wouldnt want to miss out on getting a gallon of milk before I wake up tomorrow and find I dont have anything to go with my RaisinBran.
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