Redacted Koolaid?

Dec 24, 2008 01:07

....In case you've looked for previous posts where I mention a certain 4 letter word (starts with 'W' and ends with 'K'), and you're looking for them again, you won't find them. Unless you're on my friends' list. Other posts have been left viewable by everyone because let's face it... My mother isn't going to get an LJ account, now is she?

What brought this about?
A visit with muckymucks at [redacted]. I was basically told if I even mention that certain 4 letter word, I *could* be fired. They didn't, apparently I'm valuable. But I get a note in my file and I was slapped on the wrist and said 'Don't do it and change it so it's not an issue'... Which is a pain, but understandable. However...

How did it come to their attention?
A variety of ways, really, but I'm looking at 1 person. That I [redacted] with.

So to that person:
What the fuck did I do to you? Do you feel threatened enough by me that you felt it apropos I was threatened in return? And you couldn't just wave it on? Believe it or not, I wave things on for you. Yeah. I do. Really. I don't think you do your basic [redacted]. I think you're egotistical beyond belief and really... I don't like you. But apparently, you feel threatened enough to go to the muckymucks. OK. Fine. I just had to go through and edit posts from 5 years ago. Fine.
But to that person, that loverly loverly person...

Yes, you can insert 1 smarmy, snarky, vaguely pissed off grin here.


Everyone, I'd love to tell you how my day went at [redacted], however.... If I mention [redacted] here, there is the possibility I could get fired.
So. If you're in need of a job, please apply at [redacted]. We'd love to have you. You'll make [redacted] to start, and your duties would be [redacted]. You'll probably be working for [redacted] as far as the [redacted] goes. You are aware, of course, that [redacted] is indeed one of those [redacted]. This means your [redacted] will be signed by [redacted], but you'll be doing [redacted] and [redacted] for [redacted]. There's [redacted] [redacted] around the [redacted] and the [redacted] is [redacted] held.
If you sign up to [redacted] at [redacted] and you complete your [redacted] which is [redacted], and you use my name as 'Heard from? on the [redacted], yeah.... I'll get [redacted] added to my [redacted]. Oh wait. That's discussing [redacted].

Which may just get me [redacted].

All 4 letter word posts newly [redacted] have been set to friends only. Other things here and there have been deleted outright (but if you go looking for something and can't find it, talk to me. Let me know. We'll see what I can do for you).

Drinkin' the koolaid 'cause it's a recession and the lottery may not come through (although, if I do win the lottery, there will be no [redacting]. AHHHHH. Happy thoughts.)

Enjoy your fuckin' Christmas.

***edited to remove a potential perceived threat. I hate looking over my shoulder sometimes***
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