Aug 15, 2011 21:59
Can I just (for the umpteenth time, I'm sure) express my adoration of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.
I never thought I'd be one of those people. But I love it. It's heartbreakingly good. I don't even know how she managed to write something this brilliant.
I'm not finished yet.
DON'T YOU DARE SPOIL ME, LIVEJOURNAL. Seriously though, spoiling will involve many tears and possibly end in your death you can't hide
Just... just Dagny. Dagny Taggart. This brilliant example of a human being.
Also Rearden and Fransisco: WHAT ARE YOU EVEN?!
"Why should you care? And why should I need your help tonight?"
"Because it's not easy to have to damn the only man who meant the most to you."
"I wouldn't damn you if you'd only stay a little away from me."
Francisco's eyes widened a little, then he grinned and said, "I was speaking of Mr. Danagger."
For and instant, Rearden looked as if he wanted to slap his own face, then he laughed softly and said, "All right. Sit down."
Sincerely awesome flirting apart, this books is marvellous.
books are cool,
reading is for nerds... like me,
be still my heart