Jun 08, 2005 01:51
Today is a glorious day in the history of Club SODA. We have added two ridiculously cool members, teh Ashley, and teh Katie (KTR).
The roster is now:
Jim - Sodablade
Wil - Sodagun
Kara - Sodahammer
Ashley - Panda Ninja Assassin 1
Katie - Panda Ninja Assassin 2
Rather leet, if I do say so myself.
Check Katie's eljay for the best quotes.
My favorite part was when Katie came back. Possibly the funniest thing ever.
Or perhaps when I drew a giant... flower on Ash's head and she wanted me to lick it off? Weirdo.
So check this out:
Ish = Is
Yesh = Yes
Ash = @$$.
This is Jim Carlson, Chef/OboePercussionist/SwedishHeroKnight/Onion/Writer extroardinaire signing off.
Stay classy planet Earth.