h3llo world! i startd a live jornal cos they are so kewl. 2day was pre77y good. i slept in til noon and then my mom came in and sayd 'get up u lazy bum!' i was like 'wtf b?' lol!!11! somtymes i really hat3 h3r. she can be such a b. but its kewl c0s i know she hates me 2. here is a pic of me that somes up meigh life.
and hear is a peom that i wrote 2day. if u dont like it then f u.
the shadows.
they are so
dark and beautiful
consume me they do
as yoda i am not.
i am small
i am big
i am short
i am tall
the nights grow longer
the days grow shorter
even when the sun is out
it is dark in my mind
is there a way out?
that is one of my favs. i really like it a l0t. i cryed when i was writing it.
okie i have to go now my b of a mom is yelling at me.