Well.............. Subject..... lol....

Mar 20, 2009 17:08

I wrote this late one night, I was fed up of someone thinking the really knew me, when they didnt, it drove me mad when they said 'You've changed' etc, so I wrote You Didn't Really Know Me (At All), cause I was just fed up of it.

You Didnt Really Know Me (At All) I'm fed up of you thinking you knew me, But you really didn't Believe me when I tell you You didn't really know me (at all), Stop pretending you did You didn't really know me So why you saying you did Stay away Just stay away I don't need you Stay away Get away From me x2 I may have opened up to you But that doesn't make you think you know me Repeat chours Repeat bit after chours I wish I knew who I was myself, I turn to god and ask him out, But....... (woah ho, ho, ho, ho) You didn't really know me (at all) You fallen down, Down to ground, You fallen down cause you didn't really know me at all. Repeat bit after chours Repeat chours 3x You didn't really know me (at all) So why pretend you did.... *Wirh nice guitar and piano melody In my head I have it, how I would want it played, and I am hoping I can learn guitar so I can make music to it. My other song, that I am writing today, I havent started it, cause like I have said on Facebook, I am not that angry...  I do have a few lines, well more then a few, but I know it'll all change once I finish all of it...

You know what I want you to do
Get outta my face
And away from me
I want you to just GET LOST... GET LOST...

Too many times I stood up for you
Too many times I thought for you
Too many times I told you too
Too many times I said I loved you
Too many times I cuddled you

Cant you get lost,
Get out of my mind...

I just feeling happy, but trying to write an angry song when your not even happy is just hard...   So there we go... Part of 'Get Lost'.

Anyways, today has been okish, though I am just happy, but I think I am too happy lol...  Been smiling since Monday...

Anyways I have no idea what else to say as my food will be cooked in abit :)!


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