Jun 28, 2014 03:09
The ocean water feels beautiful right now, god I wish you were here! I had nothing to do so I said fuck it last minute and went to the movies, I think you would have liked it. After the movie I didn't want to go home so I hit the bar we normally go to and had a drink, Heidi Said "hi", Only had 1 jack & coke because I just felt a bit blah drinking alone and now I'm sitting in the sand writing this. Any who, there has been a lot I've been wanting to say to you but I haven't had the opportunity or the courage, like I really don't think you understand how much I love you or how much you truly do mean to me, it's completely true when I say I would do anything for you. God there's so much more but it's so hard to say and feels just to important to me to type... ya know I kind miss writing you like we did when we were teenagers lol :-) as much as I miss how things were when we were younger I don't want to go back, we didn't know who we really were back then, (well, not saying we know much better now) but I know what I'm not and I'm not and I'm not happy or whole, I still have some old habits like acting like someone I'm not to appease others from time to time but it's mainly to avoid issue or conflict but with you its still how it always has been, I'm me, who I really am, I'm happy, I'm whole, I'm exactly who I want to be, take it how you want it but when I'm with you I'm yours, nothing or no one else matters. I know you, I see all of you, I know I recently told you "I didn't know thing we're that bad" but I did, I just tried not to, I've always just wanted you to be happy but I have seen it every time we meet, that space inside that's hollow, but I give you props on not showing it, you're better than me at it. Raaaaaa, idk. I need to wrap this up and go home to try to sleep.
I love you.