In a sea of blood red roses, something threatening has appeared.
Granted, there are those that would argue that a rescue team suddenly
bursting through a Nexus portal into someone's rose garden is the threatening thing -- but no, not this time. The little group is the one being menaced
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"I'm going to get him back if I have to cut you away from him," he hissed.
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Unfortunately the second launched itself at Shuu, having been knitting itself together -- and they both disappeared in a burst of light. Teleport? Server transfer? Impossible to tell. Around Dark Blues, the air shimmered with the hint of further cyberforms about to transfer in ...
Whirling in place, Blaze brought up an arm and pivoted, allowing Enzan's strike to bit deep into his rear shoulder -- and V2's fused form.
With a yowling laugh, he countered the Areagrab with a Poison Seed; and dove again at Enzan as the briars around them turned long-thorned and venomous, draining life from whatever they touched.
"Try again, useless child."
"Or shall I force you to fight the precious doll instead?"
V2 was torn and couldn't figure out what he should do with the threat Blaze presented to Enzan. Trying to break the fusion would mostly likely make that threat become a reality. And doing nothing was just as painful.
This seemed worse than the torture he had been put through before.
Sounds of sobbing quietly echoed in Blaze's mind.
"DAD!" Distracted, he wasn't able to jerk away from the vines fast enough, and he screamed as one pierced his left arm.
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Smiling, he fixed his attention on Enzan.
"Do you want him?"
"Have him."
His fusion suddenly dropped, leaving Blaze -- dressed in black, his shredded shirt revealing a double row of chip-ports imbedded down his shoulder and back ...
... and V2.
Blaze purred at the navi.
"Kill him."
Without hesitation, at the order V2 formed a sword and headed for Enzan and bringing the sword down on him.
"V2..." Pleading with him would be useless. Whatever V2 was doing was not in his control. Blues, is there anything we can do? Fighting V2 will only hurt him.
And he started to fight the fusion with Enzan.
A faint sound slipped his lips, he realized he can control his speech.
"Kill me Enzan! Please! I don't want to hurt you."
The question was casual, purred; and Blaze lashed out with a sudden blade to rip down V2's back.
"I said kill him, not cry at him."
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