xxvi - he was in a bind cause he was way behind and he was willing to make a deal

Oct 14, 2010 06:21

[Private - Rex and Ana Lewis.]

I would like to speak to you both and offer a truce - in person or over the notebooks, whichever you feel more comfortable with.

[Private - Dr. Crane.]

I was reading back in the journals - there is so little to do here. The panic you incited in your experiment some months ago was really quite amusing. Certainly no act of violence can conjure such instinctual human reactions. Wardens and inmates both were subjected as living creatures, and I believe we saw that the ones in authority cannot claim any more to be superior. They are as flawed and fearful as we are. It was a remarkable act of leveling.

[Private - the Master.]

Master. I take it you don't recall yet anything of your previous time here?

[Private - Adrian Veidt.]

The deal I offered during the flood that caused everyone to be entirely truthful is still something I am open to - and, in fact, I am getting increasingly desperate to obtain the box my warden holds. I will involve whoever and whatever is necessary - it hungers

asking for it, obey me, liar liar plants for hire

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