Nov 23, 2011 03:49
[Filtered away from graduated inmates and from Tirion, Martha, and Sarah. Audio.]
We are defined by we do. Identity therefore is not an idea or a definition, but a series of acts taken. The future tends to come to abrupt and violent ends, so your life is measured by your past. What you have done is what you are.
[He smiles.]
What you have done is what you are. The question I guess then isn't "will you leave here broken" but "will you leave here at all?" Will it be you walking out, or someone else?
[Private - Drake.]
I need that power transfer spell.
[Private - Kel'thuzad.
This one is video - he's regarding the camera as though it's an insect. There is a crisp-edged white skull painted on his face.]
good lich; best friend,
you are doing it wrong,
actually pretty crazy,
throwing a tantrum