Jun 29, 2008 01:28
I have had trouble sleeping in the past, even more so than tonight, but I am on the second night of sleeplessness. It comes with the bi-polar, various periods of insomnia. The problem is tonight is different.
I spend countless days sitting doing nothing. Wanting to do nothing. Having no ambition to do anything. Then when I can't sleep I feel as if I am in some sort of prison.
I have taken a Lunesta and 3 Valarian capsules and I am yawning like crazy but I just toss and turn.
At this precise moment I have not felt closer to a bi-polar episode since I first had them. I puch the wall, my arms, my legs. I bang my head against the wall. Nothing will break this bubble I am in.
I feel like I hurt those around me but I have no control over any of it.
I am on a new drug called Lamictal but I am on week 2 and it can take 8 weeks to work.... 8 WEEKS!!!
How can I cope.