(no subject)

Jan 02, 2006 20:42

So I thought it was about time I updated this thing properly and let those who care whats been going on in my so called life..
Well I have just moved house again and living with my bestest girl in the whole wide world my Sezrah (the snexy girl in my pics)
The new place is great, it's alot cooler inside than my old joint and we have our own courtyard we can lax out on and do abit of nude sunbaking heh.
Only thing we don't have that the old place had is a pool, but the outside area makes up for that and Sarah's Mum's place has a pool we're welcome to use whenever we want.

I've been promoted at work so I'm now permanent/part-time in the Menu Office so my job status has changed as well, and when I got the job my boss said basically I'll be like a silent Team Leader in the office that lets her and my other boss what is going on in our office.
So I got a payrise not much but it'll do for now, and entitled to holiday and sick days, woohoo it's been a long time coming I can finally get paid to go on holiday and it's going to be worth it, I need a proper holiday.

For the last week or so we have been cat-sitting our friend Ash's cat Abbi, she's going home tomorrow Sez and I are going to miss her alot I think when she goes home.


And last but not least the most freakiest of all things thats happened in the last week, I got a marriage proposal from one of my friends I have been talking to for about 2 years now. We've never met he lives in the US, so you could imagine that the most obvious answer I could give was to say was NO, which it was by the way. But it did get me to thinking though, not about marrying him or anything but I am getting older and all my friends around me are married or in long term relationships and I just sit there and wonder when the hell is it going to be my turn?? *shrugs* maybe I'm destined to be a spinster with 100 cats or something..
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