Nov 05, 2006 12:32
"On Friday night, November 3, 2006 at 2252 hours, the Huntingtown Volunteers... were alerted to Route 4 and Ponds Wood Road for the serious auto accident involving a pedestrian... A vehicle traveling down Route 4 struck a pedestrian throwing the subject approximately one hundred feet. Sadly, the pedestrian suffered severe traumatic injuries and was pronounced by EMS units on the scene...."
tell me what to do.
cause i dont know.
tell me what to feel.
cause i'm still numb
from standing in the cold...
i didn't even shiver,
until we were back,
back in the warm building.
help me to be strong,
for everyone else.
give me strength,
to accept what i can't change.
help me...
help to know what to do,
and what to feel...