so past two week or so in SUMMERy

Jun 29, 2006 15:16

so the 16th i believe was prom and that was super rocking. then after prom was cool just hanging out with everyone on saturday and not realy getting anything accomplished. as we were all getting ready to graduate and start summer off the best thing of my whole life happened AGAIN.

on sunday morning "fathers day" i gave my father the good news that he would be spending "his" day in the hospital with me, seeing as my lung colapsed. so we drive to the ER in NWH then 8 or 9 or 10 hours later i was finaly transfered to Westchester Hospital where i waited two days to get surgery on my right lung. while in the hospital i missed numerous parties fun, and games. o yea and graduation.

so now i've been home for almost a week and havent done much more then watched law and order and other daytime tv while in terrible chest pain. but i will be out soon i have no doubts and i am counting on you bitches to make a good time for me.
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