Feb 09, 2006 23:31
To day is Halloween. and Roesmary is macking get dressed up. i tould her i'm alredy a rel witch . whay in the neme of Darkness Would i what to dress up like one. to go hand out puch at the Halloween ball. i mean rely Robin wouldin't care if i come dressed in my robes or some stupit coustome that some common person throth of tomack monny off of, seriusly i mean you spend over 30 bucks on it. to were it onec and thro it under you bed for the next melenon. i rely don't get the hole halloween thing. but then agen i was never much on hallidays. the ounly thing that is rely cool about Halloween is that its my drithday and i'm going to be 14 yeah big fucking deal it ounly a nomber to me .but i get that frist dance at the ball becres of it . yahoo i get to dance with my headmasther. now i'm haveing fun not relly . maybe if it was Danny i wouldin't mined it as moch. well its off to ashower and on with that lovly Leai coustome that Roesmary is macking me were. well as thay say may the force be with you always Luke,