Avatar in Underwhelmed

Mar 05, 2010 14:19

So I read enough reviews that I knew what I was going to get before I got there, so I had reasonable expectations that were merely met... I'm not too interested in discussing my thoughts without spoilers, maybe on monday or so I'll post something more substantial.

Biggest surprise: The Cheshire Cat was fantastic!

The problem wasn't that Johny Depp was the Mad Hatter, but rather that the Mad Hatter was Johny Depp.

The last bit at the end of the epilogue was actually the most inspiring part of the movie and the story I almost wished I could see. I feel like there was a story that I would have really liked in there, but was edited, committeed and censored.

I wished they had made some braver choices. It didn't seem to matter which way Alice went.

I really enjoyed the TRON: Legacy preview

movies, alice in wonderland, reviews

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