How bout this weather?

Jun 24, 2013 23:06

I swear today felt like I was in Washington instead of Callie, with the rainy clouds during the summer. The hell?
Went and saw World War Z and it was alright....Brad Pitt aint no Darryl Dixon as Phil liked to say. Though we entertained ourselves watching the movie with our witty commentary. White peoples are fuckin stupid!
Oh and we cam to the conclusion that Samuel L Jackson needed a cameo in the movie just to say the line- 'I am tired of these mutherfuckin zombies on this mutherfuckin plane!

So yep...been busy with crap. Finally got Beanie to watch Pitch Perfect, heh. Fat Amy forever! ^_^
Turned in all the papers for a pre-approval for mah mama and did all the crap for Phil to get her surgery date. Hopefully her insurance gets their head out their ass cause the hospital and her doctor are like KEVIN EViction A-Go! Yeah a very productive month I think. Even though we having found a rental house yet to our needs, unless the pre-approval can fuckin go through so we can just buy a damn house! Fuckin people can suck mah dick. :sigh:

Oh and Phil and me actually sat through Dark Knight Rises. :stare: Lets just say I ranted on my Twitter account about that experience. And I am glad I walked out in 20 mins in when Doyle made me watch it with him in Hawaii. BAH fuckin Nolan can suck mah black cock! But I must say Phil was very vocal watching that movie and I am happy she didn't have the remote cause she might have broken my tv. She was not very happy with that uhh so called 'Robin'. I mean she was pissed almost as much as I was with how stupid Batman was in that whole movie. Okay with how stupid everyone was in that whole damn movie. Man I wanted my money back even though I was watching it on HBO.

Wow and that was my almighty update! Lets see how long it takes me to do this again. Considering I am all about G+ and kinda my Twitter account right now.

thoughts, weather, rambles, movies, rants

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