Good Grief really peoples?

Nov 25, 2011 18:44

Turkey Day was comment.
Taking my mother to Oakland was interesting. Good God she is so special right now. So can I put her away yet? Cause really I don't want to deal with this or her for that matter.

Oh and the night before Turkey Day was not fun either. Can you say punch a drunk a person? Lets just say the drunk of the family almost got knocked the fuck out by me that night. :grumblegroan: So yeah.....that was a family get together that actually had drama that most peoples deal with every holiday. I've haven't been to a family drama holiday dinner in years. So why did it have to happen this week? :rolls eyes:

As I stare at my mother sitting down stairs cause she can't go home. :stare: Yep the woman is staying the night cause she locked herself out. AGAIN. :walks away to bang head against the wall:

family, thoughts, rambles, mother

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