Dec 20, 2005 08:55
Set before You this mirror you fondly speak ov,
Set before You this mirror You touch so softly.
A mask upon the image reflected,
A light from the dark corner emerges into Your space,
At which time You hide Your face.
Wistfully entering to embrace the sweet tast
Left upon Her toung with even simple words spoken to and from.
Like wine
Like wine
Sweet and gently aged.
Mirror mask
Mirror mask
Dance your final dance.
Set beneath You a river 'if you will',
It be as still as the glass She puts upon Her lips.
Inside You poured a soul,
A tear and half,
Softly spoken names ov all those past
And a wish,
One wish You call Your own.
Still the light beams down into this mirror,
Set before Her this mirror so fondly spoken.
Like wine
Like wine
Sweet and gently aged
Mirror mask
Mirror mask
Dance Your final dance.
Heavily stolen the breath with a glance.
You are in the mirror,
strange mask.
She is in the mirror,
To bright the light.
Same to any other eye if looked upon by another,
Though like wine
Like wine
Truth be the mask that looks right back
Light which forces open the eyes to see inside
The saddened soul
Thirsty for love
Longing for more
Though the end is the end
Only seeing what You want