Zip a dee doo da, zip a dee day

Aug 14, 2003 16:09

I go to work in roughly an hour. I have to say i'm kinda nervous, after my first 2 job experiences, i'm afraid i have a sort of "job phobia" I'm scared of the managers and of bitchy people. I'm also scared I'll mess things up royaly. Its ice cream, i dont know how much i can mess that up though. I dont think its possible.

I FINALLY got my drivers liscense renewed. Its been 5 months since it expired. How i didnt get pulled over or anything, i dont know. But now i have a unexpired liscense, and it takes a lot of weight off my shoulders.

Frau McDonald brought me something back from her trip to her Hometown in Germany. Its a German planner. So now i can keep track of all my engagements and such AUF DEUTSCH! How cool is dat? Sehr cool.

gotta go to work (how weird! I haven't worked in over a year)
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